Годишња награда за животно дело Академика САИНа- златни пехар САИНа. (кандидати су само Академици САИНа)
Годишња награда за изумитељство САИНа - златни пехар САИНа, (кандидати могу бити из земље или иностранства који су имали значајне домете з 2015.)
Кандидатура се врши исључиво у писменом облику са образложењем. Крајњи рок за подношење документације је 01.12.2015.
Додела награда вршиће се на свечаној СКУПШТИНИ САИНа у месецу децембру 2015.
Nikola Tesla: The invention is the most valuable part of the human creativity.
ж.р. 190-0000000012310-14
сврха уплате: чланарина за 2015.
износ чланарине за 2015.: 8.000,00 динара
Име, презиме и адреса Академика:
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Нaјава догађаја за јун 2015.
INVENTICA 2015 - june 24th - 26th, 2015, HALL OF ”LOST STEPS”, ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, IASI- ROMANIA
We have the pleasure inviting you to attend the XIX-th International Exhibition of Inventics, Research and Technological Transfer "INVENTICA 2015”, and the XIX-th International Conference of Inventics (June, 24-26, 2015 Jassy,Hall of Lost Steps, “Gh.Asachi” Technical University, Bd.Carol, nr.11), under the high patronage of the National Authority of Scientific Research, Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, organized by The National Inventics Institute of Iasi, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Jassy, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, University of Arts “George Enescu” and University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi.
At the XIX-nd International Conference of Inventics, a high reputation scientific conference, integrated in an unique program with the Exhibition, some important personalities in the domain will be present: inventologists, universitary professors, performant inventors, members of some societies and associations from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia France, Hungary Moldavia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Ukraina, Iran. Industrial units, trade societies, companies, members of Romanian Inventors Society will take part in the Inventics Exhibition, a fact which will ensure, without any doubt, the high level and professional success of this edition of INVENTICA 2015.
All participants of the Salon ”INVENTICA” have a real opportunity of separate presentation of their products, and national delegations from foreign states also. For most interesting and perspective in industrial application exhibits examined by the International Jury, participants will get gold and silver medals of the Salon, diplomas and awards from Roumanian and foreign organizations, Salons of inventions, partners of the Salon ”INVENTICA”.
Inventors, investors and company managers! Any person who considered himself inventive and dynamic can have an excellent opportunity for co-operation and development during INVENTICA 2015. The Jassy Exhibition constitutes a possible developing of your inventions by offering the background and promotion opportunity.
This is the medium for pre-selecting the Romanian inventions for the subsequent similar European manifestations. "INVENTICA 2015" - The inventive genius can be a real gold business and a great profit for managers. On considering we are well understood in our undertaking, we have the pleasure of waiting for you.
We accept:
- inventions patented in the last 7 years,
- patent applications,
- MSc, PhD or other research projects.
50% discount for students and PhD students.
The International Jury will evaluate all registrations and will award Diplomas, Medals and Prizes.
All the inventions and research details will be published in INVENTICA Catalogue. Official language: ENGLISH.
Prof. Boris PLAHTEANU Ph.D - President Salon INVENTICA 2015
Prof. Nicolae SEGHEDIN Ph. D - Manager National Inventics Institute
Carmen Tita Ph.D. - Coordinator Salon INVENTICA 2015
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